Global Telecommunication Group


Our client portfolio is a living testimony of our commitment to achieve excellence. Throughout the years we have had the privilege of partnering with a wide assembly of companies and organizations, from public sector to industry-leading enterprises.

Nationwide coverage with response time from 2 hours and up to the maximum agreed upon within your contract (SLA – Service Level Agreement).

The diversity between our customers is the result of offering quality solutions, adapted to the individual needs of each client. We take pride of the solid relationships qe have built with them, and are commited to bringing an exceptional and customized service to each one of them.

Public Sector

Each customer is different, and within the public sector there are various needs in each department, agency, and city, state, or federal government.  Our solutions help you transform your services, improving quality and reducing costs.

Private Sector

Our solutions are the ideal way to accelerate your company’s transformation to the age of 5G Networking, Cloud Solutions, and Collaborative Systems.  We help you reach your customers quickly and efficiently.