Global Telecommunication Group


Your company information: Protected inside and outside.

We know that you need to keep your business communication accessible anywhere and at any time of day, while guaranteeing the protection and privacy of your data.


Your Enterprise needs technologies and security measures designed to protect your data networks AND information from threats and cyber attacks. The confidentiality, integrity and availability of your information is guaranteed with GTG, lowering risks and avoiding critical service interruptions in your infrastructure.


Virtual Private Network that creates a secure network over a public network.

Maximum security in data transmission, inside and outside the intranet.

Secure and encrypted connection, free from third party interference, guaranteed by encrypted tunnels.


Intrusion Detection and Prevention. 

A tool focused on increasing your network’s security against cyber attacks.

Continuous security protection for remote offices, and for small, medium, and large business.


Filtered and controlled communications between all your networks.

Your information protected against intruders, guaranteeing your data’s confidentiality and maximum security.

Protection for internal and external elements within your company.

Biometric Authentication

Reliable solutions to certify users identity, through cutting edge advanced technology.​

Useful for integration integrating into your payroll software, for example, or any other application that requires user authentication, such as document authorization.

Ingressio Web

A biometric solution that allows personnel to be registered (via a check-in check-out system) at your facilities and work centers to optimize time and centralize all information, without needing to send messages, etc.; all in real-time lapses.

For more information, please visit:

Ingressio Web


Technology designed to monitor environments and activities.

A circuit made up of one or more surveillance cameras connected to one or more monitors.

It is also network-connectible as an option.