Privacy Policy


When contracting our services and products, we know that you entrust us with your data, therefore, we commit ourselves and strive to protect your information.

Based on articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals we inform you that GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATION GROUP, S.A. DE C.V., located at 17 Sur 4526 Reforma Agua Azul, Puebla, Puebla, C.P. 72430, is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use given to them and their protection. Likewise, we notify you that our organization does not collect sensitive personal data.

Your personal information will be used for the following purposes: to provide the services you have requested; to notify you about new services that are related to those already contracted or acquired; to inform you about changes in them; to develop studies and programs that are necessary to determine consumption habits; to carry out periodic evaluations of our services in order to improve their quality; to evaluate the quality of the service we provide, and in general, to comply with the obligations we have contracted with you.

Any need for national or international transfer of data of our customers and / or suppliers, including third parties, will be in accordance with the provisions of our Confidentiality Agreement and will be updated if necessary, with the prior authorization of the owners and the third party recipient will assume the same obligations that correspond to the organization as responsible for making the transfer. Taking into account that transfers may be carried out without the consent of the owner when any of the assumptions of Article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

It is important to inform you that you have the right to limit the use or disclosure, access, rectification and cancellation of your personal data, to oppose the processing thereof or to revoke the consent that you have given us for such purpose. To do so, it is necessary to send the request in the terms set forth in Art. 29 of the Law to Customer Service, responsible for our Personal Data Protection Department, by calling 55 5534 5206 or via e-mail to, which we request you to confirm via telephone to ensure its correct reception. Likewise, we inform you that this Privacy Notice must be notified to you (printed, digital, visual, sound or any other technology) at the time your data has been shared with us.

In case you do not wish to receive promotional messages from us, you can send us your request through the following e-mail address:

Important: If you wish to obtain the complete PRIVACY NOTICE and its update when necessary, please request it by phone at 55 5534 5206 or via e-mail at

Last update : September/19/2023